Senin, 23 Juni 2014

The Stanley Parable - Quick Review ( + Intro video) (PC game)

The Stanley Parable is a fantastic, intelligent and highly amusing indie game that puts you in the role of a man whose entire life is about to be turned on its head, and at the same time, it won't be.

Developer: Davey Wreden (mod), Galactic Cafe (Davey Wreden and William Pugh) (remake)
Genre: Adventure
Release date: October 17th 2013
Platform:Windows and OS X
ESRB: Not rated

It’s very difficult to write a review about the Stanley Parable because so much of what makes it brilliant as its ability to surprise you with its multiple routes and endings. With this in mind, I’m going to keep this review very short so as not to spoil it but believe me when I tell you that you have to play this game, no really, you have to.

The Stanley Parable is an updated version of a Half-Life 2 mod and has been made into a standalone game with a new, HD look. The game plays almost entirely in first person perspective and is beautifully crafted with tight, smooth graphics and one of the best narrator’s I’ve had the pleasure to listen to in a long time. The story follows a man named Stanley who’s entire existence involves pushing buttons on a keyboard as he receives orders on his monitor, the orders dictate to him how long to press the button for, which button to press and so on. One day, when he’s sitting at his desk at work, he realizes that no orders have come through on his monitor all day and, now that he thinks about it, the room outside his office door is completely silent. You will take control of Stanley and follow the story, or not follow the story, or if the mood takes you, try and find your own story in this explorative game of choices, or not choices, or half choices. There's bucket loads of replayability and it is guaranteed to keep you entertained for hours because, all in all, it’s simply a fantastic game. The story is introspective and entertaining and focuses strongly on the way a game is narrated with plenty of wit and humour. You’ll constantly be questioning yourself and the nature of what you’re going through but every step is both innovative and memorable. Truly, this is a game worth playing over and over again just to see what else you can find and what else you can do. When you think the game is over, it's not, there's still more to be found and more rules to bend, break or follow. Oh and if you want to watch the intro of the game to get you started, check this video out:

Find out what all the hype it about by grabbing it here whilst it’s still on sale on Steam. 

The Good:
  • It's amazing.
  • It's hilarious.
  • It has the best narrator ever.
  • The graphics are perfect
  • So many options.
  • Stop reading these, go play it now.
The Bad:
  • I want more of it and there is no more. 
  • I cannot write a proper review because it would spoil it.
The Score: 9/10

Last Thoughts: "I'm suprised at how genuinely hilarious this was, I found myself doing pointless things just to see the reaction of the game."

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