Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

Daylight - Guest review on Darkstation (PS4 and PC game)

The success of a horror game is, very simply, measured by its ability to scare or disturb you. Daylight manages neither of these things and its fairly appealing hook of ‘constantly regenerating’ environments that allow for no two playthroughs to be the same is, in fact, fatuous and meaningless. Daylight initially looked to be a decent survival horror game and I hoped for something along the lines of Amnesia and Outlast only with a bit more unpredictability thrown in, which is always a good thing. The reality is that the game is bland, uninspired and lacking in character. The initial jump scares quickly become predictable and uninteresting once you realize they pose no real threat whilst the story itself is not only weak but agonizingly dull.

So as promised the Daylight review is now back up... only not here, but here instead so you can read the rest of it, undisturbed. Enjoy! Or in this case, don't enjoy, really it's a terrible game.

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