Senin, 09 Juni 2014

The Last Door - Chapter 3 Walkthrough

The Last Door, Chapter 3,The Four Witnesses is a point and click horror game from The Game Kitchen, an indie company who managed to publish this game using Kickstarter. Following on from Chapter 2 we follow Devitt as he awakens in a strange place with no hope of getting home anytime soon. 

If you're interested you can also check out my full review of The Last Door here.
If you've come too far then you can find your way back to Chapter 2 here, or Chapter 1 here.

Housekeeping aside, let's get on with the game!

Chapter 3, The Four Witnesses

Hints without spoilers:

I need some way of seeing in the dark: Finding a working lightsource in this chapter requires a lot more steps. Start by finding an empty lamp then head to places where it's wet to find traces of oil. You'll need to seperate the oil before using it though.

I don't know how to navigate the fog: Unless you have the parchment you're not at the correct point in the story yet. The puzzle is heavily audio based so make sure to turn your sound all the way up and listen out for the correct sound, listed in order in the parchment, whilst searching for hidden exits.

How do I enter the green door behind the mausoleum: If it's still locked try walking a few steps and wait for a noise. Check the door and if nothing still happens try checking it again.

I have a feather but I don't know what it's for: Is there something in the house or garden that you have yet to collect? You don't need to use it outside of the house/garden so keep looking around and seeing what you can use it with.

I don't know what to do with the violin: You need to find her final resting place, are there any places where she seems close by? Try turning up your speakers and following the sound of her voice.


Full walkthrough for Chapter 3


After each line of dialogue click into the darkness.
After freeing yourself you'll experience a dream and a flashback.
During the dream in the snow covered forest keep walking to the right.

Chapter 3:

When you awaken examine the ticket in your inventory.
Exit the room to the left.
Keep walking to the right through the screens, including the market, until you see a man leave through an iron gate.
Walk through the doorway beside the woman then examine and use the water dripping from the pipe.
After drinking, walk back towards the exit.
When you awaken, leave the area and head back to the market.
Exit the street using the upper exit where the cart originally was.
Click through the dialogue.
Head up the stairs then talk to the gypsy lady by the fire if you want your fortune read.
Afterwards, pick up the lamp beside her to receive an empty lamp.
Follow the man through the various screens until reaching an area too dark to continue through.
Return to where you first were after the cutscene ended, where the stairs are.
Leave via the upper-left exit where you'll see a dead end and a street lamp.
Go through the door into the butcher's shop.
At the far right of the screen you'll see four bars on the wall that make up a puzzle, hit them in this order: 2, 1, 4, to open a passage.
Enter through the secret passage and pick up the empty bottle on the floor.
Exit the butcher's shop and the dead end to return to the street. Go up the stairs again.
Go through the large archway then into the sewer enterance at the right-hand side of the screen.
Use the empty bottle with the puddle of water to receive oily water.
Exit the sewer and backtrack to the butcher's shop before going back into the secret room again.
Use the bottle of oily water with the device beneath the small window.
After the water has been removed from the oil, use the empty lamp with the device to receive a lamp.
Return to the gypsy woman by going up the stairs in the street and light the lamp using the fire in front of her.
Return to the dark house where the man entered earlier.
Examine the coat on the back wall and take the gloves from the coat's pocket.
Go upstairs and enter the first room you encounter.
Examine the fireplace then use the gloves with the hot embers to retrieve a doorknob.
Talk to the old woman sat on the bed and go through all the dialogue options.
Stand by the fireplace and click through the game.
Afterwards, examine the heap of items in front of the fireplace to receive a broken porcelain mask.
Exit the bedroom and carry on down the corridor to the left. 
When you reach a ladder, climb it and play the piano.
Examine the stuck key then use it to receive a small key.
Leave the attic and walk to the left until you reach a door with a missing handle. 
Use the doorknob with it then enter the room.
Inside, draw back the curtain to the bathtub.
Examine what's inside it then take the wig.
Click on the record player to stop the laughter, then click on it again to notice a difference.
Leave the bathroom and carry on to the left before reaching a final door.
Enter it then talk to the violinist inside.
Go through all dialogue options then pick up the musical score on the table nearby.
Leave the room and return to the attic.
Use the score with the feather inside the large cage to grab the feather.
Return to the first bedroom and use the small key with the wardrobe.
Take the red dress from inside it.
Go back downstairs only this time go through the door on the right to enter the garden.
Move to the right and examine the tree stump before using the feather with it to collect some resin.
Use the resin with the broken porcelain mask to fix it.
Return to the violinist and put the dress, fixed mask, and wig on the mannequin by the window to receive a violin from the violinst.
Talk to the violinist and exhaust all dialogue to be given a black key also, this opens the mausoleum. 
Leave, and go back outside into the garden.
Continue to the far right and use the black key with the door at the end to enter the mausoleum.
Walk to the far right, following the dirt, and enter the hole in the wall.
Try to open the green door then walk away a little, you'll hear a noise.
Try to open it again, then when that fails, try once more.
Enter the door to find yourself in a bookshop.
Carry on through the store until you encounter a man reading in the next room.
Talk to him and go through all the dialogue, noting the name of the book he mentions.
Walk through the doorway to the left and keep going until you see a white page on the floor; read it then carry on to the left.
Note the missing book page stuck in the tree branch then read the book on the floor.
Walk back a little then go down the hole beside the tree.
Carry on through the next area and leave via the lefthand exit.
In this area you're in a deeper part of the sewers, walk to the right until coming across the bottom of the tree.
Use the violin with the huge crack in the tree trunk.
After the scene, walk all the way to the left, ignoring the way you came in, and exiting out onto the streets.
Leave via the upper-left exit then go down the stairs to see that the street has changed.
Pick up the parchment from the tree root and read it.
Afterwards, follow the man into the fog.
Examine the parchment again, the puzzle will require you to follow the sounds listed by leaving through hidden doors in the fog. Don't exit through any doors until the noises next to it matches the one in the note starting with wind, then birds, then sea, then silence. 
Walk along to the left until you hear wind, search for a door nearby and enter it. Do the same for birds and sea until finally you have to search for 'silence' which is a little trickier. Make sure you listen carefully and wait a moment before going through the door.
If you do accidentally pick the wrong door you'll end up at the beginning of the fog and will have to start over again.
When you solve the puzzle, click through to the right and enter the final room.
Walk down the middle of the aisle towards the stage before talking to the man.
Click through the dialogue and pick 'True Philosophy' when the option appears.
Take the mask from his hand and watch the ending scene.

End of Chapter 3.

So, everything's starting to come together... Hmm... Interesting... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough and Chapter 3 of The Last Door, the walkthrough for Chapter 4 can be found here so you can get right on with completing Season 1 of this awesome game. If you enjoyed this guide please comment or +1 or something so I know you didn’t hate it and so on and so forth :)

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