Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

Fable 3 Demon Door and Achievement Guide

There are seven demon doors to open for the 'Set Them Free!' achievement and it is worth 40G. Six of the demon doors are present in the base game whereas an additional demon door was added along with the Traitor’s Keep DLC and is found on Ravenscar Island. You cannot unlock this achievement without the DLC even if you open all other doors 

NOTE: There is a glitch present that may prevent you from unlocking the achievement, though I did not encounter it myself other people have done. It seems to be caused by opening the Ravenscar Keep door last or opening it before the six other doors have all been opened. To prevent the glitch you must open the Ravenscar Keep door before all other doors.

Ravenscar Keep 

To open this door you must be wearing every component of the prisoner outfit which includes: Bandana, Prisoner’s Top, Prisoner’s Trousers, Shackles and Boots. All of these items can be found in chests on the island.

Prisoner Bandana:
In a chest within the small rock maze near to the garden, to access the garden face the bridge to Ravenscar Keep then go down the left pathway.

Prisoner’s Top: Located in a chest that is in the second cell on the left of the left wing of Ravenscar Keep, you need to have begun or completed ‘Prisoner Management for Beginners’ to access the cell.

Prisoner’s Trousers: You must have accepted the quest ‘Undead Sentence’, the trousers are then found in a chest near you after defeating the last group of hollow men.

Prisoner Shackles:
Found in a chest after vaulting off the rocks to the right of the hole in the wall within the garden area, this is the same hole that leads to the demon door.

Prisoner Boots: In a chest behind the gallows, the gallows are in the opposite direction when facing the bridge to the entrance of Ravenscar Keep.
Once you have the outfit, wear it to gain entry, the door leads to ‘Cartographilia’ and contains the Prison Guard Suit. 

Fable 3 demon door Cartographilia Ravenscar Keep

Summerset house 

You just need to be the king or queen for this door to open. There are no other requirements so just wait until you are crowned as monarch by following the main storyline and return to the door sometime afterwards. This demon door leads to ‘The Pools of Sorrow’ and rewards you 1,000,000 gold for opening the chest within. 

Fable 3 demon door The Pools of Sorrow Summerset house


This door requires you to have your melee or ranged skill at level 5, despite common belief it does not require a fully upgraded legendary weapon. When you have level 5 draw the weapon that is levelled up to prompt the door to open. The door leads to ‘Planet One’ where the environment can be changed by interacting with the orrery within, the reward for accessing this door is the full military suit. 

Fable 3 demon door Planet One Mourningwood


The demon door in Millfields wants you to be, essentially, overweight and with poor dress sense. Start by putting on your full pyjama clothing set then dye each component a different colour. Next, gain a lot of weight until you are at maximum fatness, this can be easily achieved by eating a lot of pies from food stalls or drinking a lot of alcohol. It will take approximately 20 pies, fish or mutton to achieve this. When you have completed all of these steps, go back to the door to be granted entry to ‘Twitcher’s Curtains’ and you will be rewarded 40 guild seals. 

Fable 3 demon door Millfields Twitcher's Curtains


You must be either 100% pure evil or 100% pure good on the morality scale. Generally the way to influence this is via the main questline though if you’re too much in the middle you can try adjusting your rent to very high or very low or, something that is a lot faster, put a lot of gold in the castle treasury to quickly acquire good morality points. The door will lead to ‘The Moral View’ and will contain a legendary weapon, the weapon given depends on your morality extreme. 

Fable 3 demon door Aurora the moral view

Brightwall Village 

To open this door you need to bring your child to it, it doesn’t matter whether the child is biological or adopted. Simply grab your child by the hand and lead them over to the front of the door, after the scene, the demon door will open. Sometimes the door doesn’t recognize them at first so you can try performing a positive interaction with them to help prompt it open. The door leads to ‘Last Orders’ and will reward you with 30 guild seals and 3 summon creature potions. 

Fable 3 demon door Last Orders Brightwall

Mistpeak valley  

You will need either a second player or a second controller plugged into your console to open this door. Provided you have that, it’s the earliest door you may open. Locate the Mispeak Valley demon door on the map, after going under a bridge you’ll find it in a dead end, and bring in the second player. You should then scroll through various expressions that are romantic, finally ending with a kiss. It may help to marry the other player first so that the kiss option shows up more frequently. The door leads to the ‘Demon Door Retirement Home’ and contains a random legendary weapon. 

Fable 3 demon door Mistpeak Valley demon door retirement home

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