Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

The Last Door - Chapter 2 Walkthrough

The Last Door, Chapter 2 Memories is a point and click horror game from The Game Kitchen, an indie company who managed to publish this game using Kickstarter. Following on from my Chapter 1 guide, found here, we follow Devitt to a new location with last Chapter’s disturbing revelations still ringing in our ears. Since we already know how to play the game and what The Last Door is all about let’s just jump straight into it this time with our spoiler free hints, the full walkthrough is found below that.

If you're interested you can also check out my full review of The Last Door here.

Chapter 2, Memories.

Hints without spoilers:

I don’t know how to get that shiny item in the bathroom: Since you can’t reach it you need a way of flushing it out without losing it entirely. Try to see if you can find where the pipe is upstairs. 

Devitt won’t touch the pipe because it’s sharp: You need to blunt it using something heavy. 

I don’t know what the music box is for: You use it near somebody to make them remember something. 

I don’t know how to open the coffin outside: Baldwin has a toolset that may be of use, but first you need to distract him somehow. 

The nun won’t leave the patient’s bedside: Listen to what she says about the Virgin Mary then check out that statue next to her. You’ll need a couple of items to play a trick on the nun using this statue. 

I can’t cut the tapestry: You need something sharp and something strong combined together, it may be a while until you find the right kind of sharp object.


Full walkthrough for Chapter 2


Click on the black whip on the table at the back. 

Click through all dialogue as it comes up between actions.
Click on the coat rack beside the door. 
Click on the altar beneath the crucifix and statue of Jesus. 
Click on the priest three times.

Chapter 2:

Keep walking to the right and click through all dialogue.
After the opening scene choose any dialogue options.
Once you gain control of Devitt, open the mailbox.
Take the postcard from inside the mailbox then walk to the left.
When you reach the fountain take the stone from in front of it.
Enter the hallway of the boarding school and speak to the nun.
Select any dialogue options, after the conversation Devitt will hang up his coat and hat.
Read the postcard.
Walk through the doorway to the left and give the postcard to the man in the first bed.
The woman in blue will take it instead and read a false version to him.
Whilst she is reading it aloud examine the letters behind her then take them.
Give the letters to the man in the bed, after the conversation you will receive a coin.
Walk along to the right and speak to the woman in the next bed.
Keep walking to the right and speak to the man, the nun will turn you away.
Continue walking to the right and enter the door at the end of the corridor.
Inside the classroom examine the shelf near the door to find a music box, pick it up.
Carry on to the far left of the room until you find a note on the desk.

Read it and note the photograph at the end.
Return to the hospital ward and exit through the door at the back to go outside.
Talk to Baldwin, the gravedigger and go through all dialogue options.
Walk all the way to the left until you start to see the beach, walk down to it.
Walk along the beach until you find a fishing net and a piece of log, pick both of them up.
Go back to where the graves were then around the building to the right to return to the front of the old school.
Enter the door to return to the enterance hall and talk to the nun at the front desk, exhaust all dialogue options.
Go upstairs and enter the first door to enter the nun's quarters.
Talk to the nun standing by the window and select any option.
Use the coin with the music box to make her leave.
Look out the window and note the pipe below you that's leaking water.
Clear the leaves from the pipe before blunting it with the rock.
Use the net with the pipe then exit the window and the nun's room.
Walk all the way to the right of the corridor and enter the door at the end.
You'll see a small object in the puddle of water at the bottom-right shower, examine it.
Use the shower to flush the object down the drain. 
Examine the mirror and take a mirror shard from its corner.
Return to the nun's room and look out the window, take the object from the pipe to receive a teardrop.
Return to the hospital ward downstairs and use the teardrop with the statue of the Virgin Mary.
Use the mirror shard on the statue.
The nun will leave, talk to the man in the bed and select any option.
Depending on what you pick you'll either have to talk to the nun at the front desk or find some morphine, the morphine is on the shelf in the nun's room upstairs. After you've done either task, go back to the man.
Read the note. 
Exit outside to where the graves are.
Examine the coffin and try to open it.
Walk to the right and examine Baldwin's toolbox before speaking to him.
Exhaust all dialogue options, when he starts talking about the hills use his toolbox to receive a nail tool.
Go back to the coffin and use the nail tool with it. 
Go to the enterance hall and find a gold key on the desk.
Use the gold key on the door directly to your right. 
In the flashback talk to each of the three boys and keep walking left.
Go through the dialogue with the priest to end the flashback.
Follow the same corridor all the way to the left and into the priest's quarters.
Talk to Father Ernest then kneel before the altar.
Examine Father Ernest.
After automatically exiting the room re-enter it.
Only move when Father Ernest is kneeling in prayer.
Examine the note and then the shelf by the door to pick up a razor blade.
Leave and head all the way back upstairs to the tapestry before the bathroom.
Use the razor blade with the log then use the cutting tool with the tapestry.
Click through the dialogue.
Walk all the way to the right and sleep in the bed at the back.
Follow the candles and read each note along the way until you reach a trapdoor, go down it.
Back in the real world, follow the path Devitt took to the old classroom.
Lift the rug and go down the trapdoor.
If you have the morphine, use it on the patient by the door, if you don't just leave him.
Walk to the right and through the doorway.
Click through all remaining dialogue then watch the ending scene.

End of Chapter 2.

I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough and playing through Chapter 2 of The Last Door. If you're still playing, and I wouldn't blame you, the walkthrough for Chapter 3 can be read here. If you enjoyed this guide or have any problems/questions/suggsetions please comment or +1 or something so I know what's going on :D Keep on gaming!

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